Training Schedules (Dec-2018)

MTB Training Course (Elementary Level) (山地車訓練班, 初班)
<<Requirements : Over 12 years old>>
Date : 1-Dec-2018 (Sat)
Time : 12:00-14:00
Venue : Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park (MTB Track Session)
Fee : HKD380/person
To learn the basic MTB skills such as balancing, braking, turning skills.
Practice in the mountain bike track in the BMX Park.
To understand the Hong Kong MTB cycling regulations
To be provided MTB bikes and protection gears (helmet and protection pads) for practice in the BMX Park.
Including the BMX Park entrance fee.
(Welcome to bring your own bikes and protection gears for practice)
- 認識山地車, 了解香港山地車法例知識, 以及如何檢查單車和保護裝備簡介
- 如何正確使用波段, 上落山路基本技巧和需知
- 提供一人一車, 專業山地比賽場地練習, 再加上香港註冊單車教練指導
(已包入場費, 同時提供單車和保護裝備, 學員亦可自行攜帶單車和保護裝備實習)
- To be provided MTB bike and protection gears (helmet and protection pads).
- Including the BMX Park entrance fee.
- Welcome to bring your own bikes and protection gears for practice.

Kid BMX Training Course (3-12 years old) - Elementary Level (2 days, 2 hours/day) (兒童BMX小輪車班, 3-12歲, 初班)
Date : 2 & 9-Dec-2018 (2 days)
Time : 11:00-13:00
Venue : Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park
Fee : HKD780/person
Suitable for 3-12 years old who can ride two-wheel bike properly.
To learn the basic skill of braking, turning and balancing on bike.
Including the BMX Park entrance fee.
- 專為3-12歲開設的有腳踏小輪車班, 學習轉彎, 剎車和平衡等基本技巧,
(已包入場費, 同時提供單車和保護裝備, 學員亦可自行攜帶單車和保護裝備實習)
- To be provided bikes and protection gears (helmet and protection pads).
- Including the BMX Park entrance fee.
- Welcome to bring your own bikes and protection gears for practice.

Two-Wheel Bike Learning Course - Elementary (學踏兩輪單車班 - 初)
<<Requirements : Over 3 year-old >>
Date : 2-Dec-2018 (Sun)
Time : 16:00-18:00
Venue : Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park
Fee : HKD480/person
To learn 2-wheel bike without training wheels needed. Let the riders feel cycling enjoyment and fun.
To learn how to keep the balance of bike, pedaling and braking
To be provided 2 wheels bike and protection gears (helmet and protection pads.
Including the BMX Park entrance fee.
(Welcome to bring your own bikes and protection gears for practice)
- 專為未識踏單車學員, 火速學識踏單車, 享受踏單車的樂趣
- 學習單車平衡, 腳踏, 停車
- 提供一人一車和保護裝備, 令你安心學習
(已包入場費, 同時提供單車和保護裝備, 學員亦可自行攜帶單車和保護裝備實習)
- To be provided bikes and protection gears (helmet and protection pads).
- Including the BMX Park entrance fee.
- Welcome to bring your own bikes and protection gears for practice.

Bike Maintenance Course (Elementary Level) (單車維修班, 初班)
Date : 7-Dec-2018 (Fri)
Time : 19:00-21:00
Venue : Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park
Fee : HKD380/person
To understand the function of different tools.
To repair and exchange inner tubes and tyres.
To learn the mechanical concept, and fine-tuning of shifting gears.
To be provided bikes and professional tools for practice in the class (1 bike for maximum 2 persons).
Free inner tube repair patch set as gift.
(Welcome to bring your own bike for practice)
由淺入深認識各常用的維修工具; 速成換胎補胎技術; 基本變速器原理和調校;
- 提供單車, 維修工具, 即場實習, (2人1車)
- 附送緊急補胎工具
(提供單車和維修工具, 學員亦可自行攜帶單車實習)
- To be provided bikes and professional tools for practice in lesson (1 bike for maximum 2 persons).
- Free inner tube repair patch set for gift.
- Welcome to bring your own bike for practice.

MTB Training Course (Intermediate Level) - 2 days (山地車訓練班, 中班)
Date : 8 & 15-Dec-2018 (2 days)
Time : 12:00-14:00 & 12:00-15:00
Venue : Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park (MTB Track Session) +MTB Track outside
Fee : HKD780/person
Remarks : Over 12 years old
To learn the advanced MTB skills such as lay-back, downstairs, uphill, downhill skills.
To be provided MTB bikes and protection gears (helmet and protection pads) for practice in the BMX Park (MTB track) on the 1st and 2nd day
Practice in another Hong Kong MTB track outside on the 2nd day.
(Welcome to bring your own bikes and protection gears for practice)
- 上落較斜山路的方法及技巧
- 上落梯級必殺技
- 已包入場費, 同時提供單車和保護裝備(第一及二天),
- 外出越野單車徑實習 (第二天)
- To be provided MTB bike and protection gears (helmet and protection pads) on 1st & 2nd day
- Will practice in the Hong Kong MTB track outside on 2nd day (We can arrange the bike and gear in 1 week notice)
- Welcome to bring your own bikes and protection gears for practice.

Two-Wheel Bike Learning Course - Advanced (學踏兩輪單車班 - 進階)
Date : 9-Dec-2018 (Sun)
Time : 16:00-18:00
Venue : Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park
Fee : HKD480/person
Remarks : (1) Suggest to join Two-Wheel Bike Learning Course (學踏兩輪單車班) before
(2) Can ride the 2 wheel bike in a straight line at least
To enhance the confidence and basic cycling skills of the new rider. (eg. turning, starting and standing up)
To be provided 2 wheels bike and protection gears (helmet and protection pads).
Including the BMX Park entrance fee.
(Welcome to bring your own bikes and protection gears for practice)
- 專為加強初學者的騎行信心和基本轉彎, 起步, 站立騎行技術
- 提供一人一車和保護裝備, 令你安心學習
(已包入場費, 同時提供單車和保護裝備, 學員亦可自行攜帶單車和保護裝備實習)
- To be provided bikes and protection gears (helmet and protection pads).
- Including the BMX Park entrance fee.
- Welcome to bring your own bikes and protection gears for practice.

Bike Maintenance Course (Intermediate Level) - Total 3 sessions
(單車維修班, 中班 - 共分3堂)
Date : 14, 21 & 28-Dec-2018 (Fri) - (3 days)
Time : 19:00-21:00
Venue : Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park
Fee : HKD1,180/person for 3 lessons , HKD480 per lesson
1st session - Installation and fine-tuning of shifting gears - 2 hours.
2nd session - Installation of crankset, cassette and chain - 2 hours.
3rd session - Installation of fork, headset, stem and handlebar - 2 hours.
(To be provided bikes and professional tools for practice in the class, 1 bike for maximum 2 persons. Welcome to bring your own bike for practice)
第一堂 - 安裝及調校轉速系統, 詳細介紹轉速系統組合部份以及轉速系統原理 - 2小時
第二堂 - 安裝及調校牙盤, 飛輪, 鏈, 如何正確自行安裝牙盤, 飛輪, 鏈 - 2小時
第三堂 - 安裝及保養避震前叉, 碗組, 鵝頸, 手把 - 2小時
(提供單車和維修工具, 2人1車, 學員亦可自行攜帶單車實習)

2 Hours Intensive BMX Training Course (BMX小輪車速成班)
Date : 19-Dec-2018 (Wed)
Time : 19:00-21:00
Venue : Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park
Fee : HKD380/person
Learning all basic BMX skills in 2 hours intensive course.
Practice in BMX Development Track mainly and International Track .
- 2小時速成BMX基本技巧, 提供單車, 保護裝備 (1人1車)
- 在BMX訓練場實習及國際比賽場地
(已包入場費, 同時提供單車和保護裝備, 學員亦可自行攜帶單車和保護裝備實習)
The above BMX course includes :
BMX Park entrance fee.
BMX bike rental fee.
Protection Gear rental fee.
(Allow to bring your own bike and protection gear for practice)
- To be provided bikes and protection gears (helmet and protection pads).
- Including the BMX Park entrance fee.
- Welcome to bring your own bikes and protection gears for practice.

Two-Wheel Bike Learning Course - Elementary (學踏兩輪單車班 - 初)
<<Requirements : Over 3 year-old >>
Date : 23-Dec-2018 (Sun)
Time : 16:00-18:00
Venue : Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park
Fee : HKD480/person
To learn 2-wheel bike without training wheels needed. Let the riders feel cycling enjoyment and fun.
To be provided 2 wheels bike and protection gears (helmet and protection pads).
Including the BMX Park entrance fee.
(Welcome to bring your own bikes and protection gears for practice)
- 專為未識踏單車學員, 火速學識踏單車, 享受踏單車的樂趣
- 提供一人一車和保護裝備, 令你安心學習
(已包入場費, 同時提供單車和保護裝備, 學員亦可自行攜帶單車和保護裝備實習)
- To be provided bikes and protection gears (helmet and protection pads).
- Including the BMX Park entrance fee.
- Welcome to bring your own bikes and protection gears for practice.

Bike Maintenance Course (Advanced Level) - DIY Bike Re-building and maintenance (單車維修班, 全車保養復修, 4小時) - 4 hours
Date : 30-Dec-2018 (Sun)
Time : 14:00-18:00
Venue : Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park
Fee : HKD880/lesson
Hong Kong cycling in recent years have become increasingly demanding, also the maintenance of the bicycle is particularly important. Many riders would like to do the bicycle maintenance and repair by their own with professional tools and guidance. So we think this course must be suitable for all bike amateurs!!
香港人對單車的要求越來越高, 對單車的保養及維修需求越來越大, 加上很多單車熱愛者喜歡自己動手保養及維修自己的愛車, 所以我們開設這維修班同時提供專業工具和專業指導如何保養及維修的方法!!
Bicycle repair guidance as follows:The participants would be recommended to bring their own bicycle to our center(road bike, mountain bike, folding bike….etc)
To understand the bicycle structure and philosophy
To dismantle all the parts of the whole bicycle
Adjusting and cleaning wheels hub
Cleaning the crank set and bottom bracket
Adjustment and replacement of the derailleurs cable
Adjustment and replacement of front and rear derailleurs
Adjustment and replacement of the fork and rear shock
Adjustment and replacement of the brake cable
Adjustment and replacement of brake set
Adjusting hydraulic brake and replacement of brake oil and brake disc
Fine -tuning the spokes of the wheel set
To understand the basic settings cycling and angle
Cycling equipment and installations
Replacement of bicycle tires and inner tubes
***Recommended to bring your own bike for practice (1 bike for 1 participant). The tools will be provided in the course***
建議參加者自行攜帶單車實習 (公路車,山地車,摺車各種單車)
***建議參加者自行攜帶單車實習 (1人1車), 維修工具會由我們提供***

Two-Wheel Bike Learning Course - Advanced (學踏兩輪單車班 - 進階)
Date : 30-Dec-2018 (Sun)
Time : 16:00-18:00
Venue : Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park
Fee : HKD480/person
Remarks : (1) Suggest join Two-Wheel Bike Learning Course (學踏兩輪單車班) before
(2) Can ride the 2 wheel bike in a straight line at least
To enhance the confidence and basic cycling skills of the new rider. (eg. turning, starting and standing up)
To be provided 2 wheels bike and protection gears (helmet and protection pads).
Including the BMX Park entrance fee.
(Welcome to bring your own bikes and protection gears for practice)
- 專為加強初學者的騎行信心和基本轉彎, 起步, 站立騎行技術
- 提供一人一車和保護裝備, 令你安心學習
(已包入場費, 同時提供單車和保護裝備, 學員亦可自行攜帶單車和保護裝備實習)
- To be provided bikes and protection gears (helmet and protection pads).
- Including the BMX Park entrance fee.
- Welcome to bring your own bikes and protection gears for practice.

BMX Continuous Training Course (3-12 years old), ( 兒童BMX持續班小輪車班, 3-12歲)
**即場報名, 參加者必須參加過兒童BMX班或BMX Intensive班, 對BMX有認識和有基本技巧**
Every Friday (19:00-21:00) - starting gate night (May to Aug)
Every Sunday (09:00-11:00)
Riders must be able to complete at least 1 lap in the BMX Development Track.
Can enhance the advanced BMX skills and racing strategy.
Able to increase the explosive power and racing technique.
- 對BMX小輪車已有認識, 可獨自完成BMX練習場
- 引發小朋友的興趣和多做運動, 同時學習BMX比賽技巧
This course includes the BMX Park entrance fee, BMX bike and protection Gear rental fee.
(已包括入場費, 單車和保護裝備, 學員亦可自行攜帶或租用單車和保護裝備實習)
- To be provided bikes and protection gears (helmet and protection pads).
- Including the BMX Park entrance fee.
- Welcome to bring your own bikes and protection gears for practice.
Tel : (852) 6699 9659 Email : Website :