Cycling Event Organization & Team Building
We are experienced in organizing events for corporates or private groups based on their specific aims and requirements.
For instance, our “Build-a-Bike, Build-the-Team” one-day workshop helps in building up team spirit among colleagues in the organization.
Our “Fun-and-Ride” Day provides memorable and enjoyable experience to the organizations, groups of school-mates and their parents alike.
Call us now for organizing a private event for your group or team !

Mountain Bike Camp for PLKCKY 2022
This is the first time to organize the cycling event with Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School (PLKCKY). We found all students are so energetic. All participants finished 3 days cycling camp, especially the off-road track in Tai Lam! Amazing!

由鄰舍輔導會深水埗康齡社區服務中心在2019年10月舉辦, 給予老友記有更多單車運動, 活動有5 堂, 第一堂在中心講解不同單車運動, 認識和正確佩帶個人單車保護裝備, 之後課堂在西九文化區單車長廊進行活動

Chinese YMCA summer camp 2019
We are happy to organize the Summer Camp with Chinese YMCA every year. Although the weather is very good on July in Hong Kong, you can feel the cycling passion of all Chinese YMCA members!

好開心可以教一班東莞同鄉方樹泉小學的同學仔學識踏單車,由第一堂唔識踏單車, 到最後一堂去西九海濱長廊踏單車, 感覺真是美好, 期望下年再見!

YMCA 5 days Easter Camp 2019
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Chinese YMCA BMX Fun Day 2018
Chinese YMCA BMX Fun Day 2018

Chinese YMCA Cycling Fun Day 2019
Chinese YMCA Cycling Fun Day 2019 in Kowloon Bay

Cycling lessons in CIS 2018
We arranged the cycling lessons in Chinese International School's (CIS) students

Team Building
Team Building event for the corporate through the bike building!

New Creation of Cycling Team for VTC
New Creation of cycling team for VTC
BMX Fun day for AECOM
BMX Fun day for AECOM

Team Building for VIKING
Team Building Event and BMX fun day for VIKING

Balance Bike Fun day
Chinese International Club organized the Balance Bike Fun Day in their site!
Tel : (852) 6643 2968 or 6699 9659 Email : Website :