好有型的BMX小車手 - Andy!

BMX Continuous Training Course (3-7 years old), ( 兒童BMX持續班小輪車班, 3-7歲) Every Sunday (09:00-11:00) Date : Every Sunday (09:00-11:00) Venue : Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park Fee : HKD350/lesson Riders must be able to complete at least 1 lap in the BMX Development Track. Can enhance the advanced BMX skills and racing strategy. Able to increase the explosive power and racing technique. - 對BMX小輪車已有認識, 可獨自完成BMX練習場 - 引發小朋友的興趣和多做運動, 同時學習BMX比賽技巧 This course includes the BMX Park entrance fee, BMX bike and protection Gear rental fee. (已包括入場費, 單車和保護裝備, 學員亦可自行攜帶或租用單車和保護裝備實習) - To be provided bikes and protection gears (helmet and protection pads). - Including the BMX Park entrance fee. - Allow to bring your own bike and protection gear for practice. Book us now! For more details, please call/WhatsApp (852) 6699 9659, website : www.hkbtc.org email : infohkbtc@gmail.com