今日天氣雖然好熱, 但3位小朋友都努力練習, 從沒放棄,果然3位小朋友都全部學識踏單車, 勁!

Two-Wheel Bike Learning Course (學踏兩輪單車班) on 23-Jul-2016
To learn 2-wheel bike without training wheels needed. Let the riders feel cycling enjoyment and fun. To be provided 2 wheels bike and protection gears (helmet and protection pads). Including the BMX Park entrance fee. (Allow to bring your own bike and protection gear for practice)
- 專為未識踏單車學員, 火速學識踏單車, 享受踏單車的樂趣 - 提供一人一車和保護裝備, 令你安心學習 (已包入場費, 同時提供單車和保護裝備, 學員亦可自行攜帶單車和保護裝備實習)
- To be provided bikes and protection gears (helmet and protection pads). - Including the BMX Park entrance fee. - Allow to bring your own bike and protection gear for practice.
Join us now!
For more details, please call/WhatsApp (852) 6699 9659, website : www.hkbtc.org email : infohkbtc@gmail.com